Why Family Storytelling?
How Kids Can Benefit From Regular Story Times
Telling kids stories has well-documented potential academic, social, cultural, and psychological benefits. Here we summarize some of the most important ones we have both found in the research and experienceto be true for our kids’ lives.
Storytelling Benefits for Parents and Grandparent
From helping you better understand the children in your life to enhancing your own creativity, learn five benefits that family storytelling can have for parents, grandparents, and other caregivers. It isn’t just the kids who benefit when families tell stories together.
The Power Of Storytelling For Today's Families
Our mission is to help families reclaim the power of storytelling as a tool to teach, nurture, and bond. It is an increasingly vital tool for helping children feel connected to the adults in their lives. Telling our kids stories is a way to practice parenting with purpose.
Now Available
Our introductory guide to finding and telling legendary stories with the kids you love.